“The Jurčkova” neighbourhood

Jurčkovo naselje, which is currently under construction, and Jurčkova 96, which has already been built and occupied, together represent one of the most unique neighbourhoods in Ljubljana at the moment. They offer a total of 266 apartments, featuring modern architecture, bright and spacious apartments and large terraces. The interior of the housing estate is immaculately landscaped, with plenty of greenery and common areas for socialising. The neighbourhood is rounded off by the Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship, which is a great starting point for recreation and leisure activities.

  • 07 Soseska s karakterjem

    A neighbourhood with character

    The neighbourhood has been designed with the expertise of the award-winning Ofis Architects. Its unique design takes into account the historical background of the dwellings in the area. The biophilic (sustainable) elements are emphasised and are becoming a standard in building design worldwide.

  • 09 Mirno in urejeno bivanje znotraj soseske

    Quiet and orderly living within the neighbourhood

    The neighbourhood is closed to traffic and parking is available in the garage. This means that there are no obstacles to activities in the playground or on the common platform that covers the car park. There are plenty of benches to encourage residents to socialise on a daily basis.

  • 08 Vpetost stanovanj v zeleno okolje new

    Integration of apartments into the green environment

    Nature has been brought to the very doorstep of the apartments: firstly there are the hanging gardens on the terraces, then the green platform between the buildings, and the neighbourhood also has direct access to the Trail of Remembrance and Comradeship. The apartments offer attractive views of the nearby meadows, the Golovec and Krim hills and even Ljubljana Castle.

Video presentation of the neighbourhood

Jurckovo naselje-video predstavitev soseske_new

Interactive 3D walk around Jurčkovo naselje

jurckovo naselje 1040x520 screenshot

An interactive 3D walk around the housing estate