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Apartment E-1-6

92.7 m2


Stanovanje je trenutno rezervirano, kar pa se v prihodnje lahko spremeni. Če vas stanovanje zanima, spremljajte status tega stanovanja ali nas v zvezi s tem kontaktirajte.

Position of the selected apartment

Floors in the building

You can select another floor by clicking on the sketch. The turquoise color indicates the currently selected floor.

Apartments on the floor

You can select another apartment by clicking on the sketch. The darker colored box shows the currently selected apartment.

Dimensions of the apartment

Apartment E-1-6 Reserved
1. Foyer 6.2 m²
2. Living room with kitchen 33.6 m²
3. Bedroom 11.9 m²
4. Cabinet 9.8 m²
5. Bathroom 5.3 m²
6. Toilet and utility 3.0 m²
Apartment's surface area 69.8 m²
7. Terrace (covered) 17.5 m²
8. Bicycle storage 5.4 m²
Total surface area 92.7 m²
Parking place 1 PM
Hanging gardens 4.2 m²

Video presentation of the apartment

Jurckovo naselje Sprehod po 3S stanovanju C 3 1

Interactive 3D walk through the apartment

Prva Hisa Jurckovo naselje 3D C 3 1 original

Footnote! A symbolic graphical 3D walkthrough shows floor plan same/mirror apartment as selected. They can be different balconies, floors, exterior views or sides of the sky.